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Messages/News, items #29 to #20 of 122:
(Newest news) | (Newer news)
BAH!!! ANNOYING VIRUS!!!! 03/27/04, ~1686 bytes
SOMEBODY, I'm not sure who, has been mailing me tons of virii lately, all of them have been the W32.netsky.c virus. The virus basically sends itself to anyone it can find in your computer's files. It makes up a fake "from" address, and sends emails with nonsensical subjects and messages, usually j...(more)
"My Links" Option 03/27/04, ~797 bytes
There is now (and has been for about a week) an option to add "My Links" to the sidebar on my website. To add links, go to the account preferences page and add them to the text box. To add a link, on every odd line, put the name/title for the link, and on every even line, th...(more)
McBeth Has a Website... 03/25/04, ~423 bytes
The following storyish thing was submitted through the online news suggestion page by insane_firedancer; "A truley amazing news event!! I started building a website!!! I was er...bored? Well you people can check it out at...(more)
Miserable Failure 03/25/04, ~714 bytes
President Bush is a Miserable failure according to Google. Also, according to...(more)
RSS Feeds Available 03/25/04, ~557 bytes
You can now use an RSS Reader to read my news! If you don't know what this is, it is a program that can automagically read all my news, pretty much the same as my main webpage, but nice if you don't feel like visiting my site to see it. Search goo...(more)
Human Behavior Experiment Hypothesis 03/22/04, ~1402 bytes
Finally, after much pestering by numerous friends, I am releasing my Human Behavior experiment hypothesis. My experiment involved me sitting and having my subjects draw a square, triangle, rectangle, circle, house and something of their choice on a piece of paper. They had the choice to draw with...(more)
This Just in: Bobm Threat Updates 03/16/04, ~1501 bytes
Well, today we recieved a paper explaining in great detail the bobm threat that occurred on Friday. The exact letter is as follows: March 15, 2004 Dear Parents: As you may have already heard, a threatening situation occurred at the h...(more)
New Changes to My Site 03/13/04, ~1034 bytes
Today, I have added a number of changes to my site. First, I made an account preferences page where you can change your password, email address, and (in the future) other preferences. Also, on my main page, you will hear "You are hearing me talk" if yo...(more)
HS bobm threat... oh, bomb threat 03/13/04, ~1522 bytes
Well, today, some interesting events occurred. While in my independent study-ish class for computer science, Mr. Pom came in and asked if anyone (students) were on any computers. I was the only one there except for Mrs. Meissner. Then he quickly left. We were left to wonder: "What was that all a...(more)
FFA week: wednesday presentation 03/10/04, ~626 bytes
Today, during advisement (gaaaaa!!! why is it always during advisement?!?!), we had a presentation by the FFA. The sax people played the Mississippi rag, the clubs were acknowledged, and the sports people were recognized. Also, Peter D. was honored for his achievements in art, and was given an ach...(more)
(Older news)
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Science Club | KHS Science Dept.
Maintained and copyright 2003-2007 by Chris Retlich, all rights reserved. Last updated on 08/28/19.