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News item #29; "BAH!!! ANNOYING VIRUS!!!!" on 03/27/04:
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SOMEBODY, I'm not sure who, has been mailing me tons of virii lately, all of them have been the W32.netsky.c virus. The virus basically sends itself to anyone it can find in your computer's files. It makes up a fake "from" address, and sends emails with nonsensical subjects and messages, usually just a fraction of a sentence to all the addresses it can find. There is an attachment that contains the virus itself. I have recieved this virus 6 times already, and it is becomming very annoying. I have recieved it through my hotmail account (1 time) and aeioun (5 times). So, if you happen to have recieved a strange email around 3/15/04, please check for this virus and remove it from your computer, it is driving me nuts! To see if you have it, check if you have a file in the windows folder named "winlogon.exe". Also "If the local system time is between 6:00 AM and 9:00 AM on February 26, 2004, the computer speaker will continuously beep." So another test would be to double-click on your clock and change the time to somewhere in the aforementioned timeframe, and possibly restart your computer. If you think you have this virus, PLEASE delete the winlogon.exe file, and also contact me with this page. More information can be found at: McAfee Security, Symantec Security Response, or just google for the virus.
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