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News item #21; "HS bobm threat... oh, bomb threat" on 03/13/04:
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Well, today, some interesting events occurred. While in my independent study-ish class for computer science, Mr. Pom came in and asked if anyone (students) were on any computers. I was the only one there except for Mrs. Meissner. Then he quickly left. We were left to wonder: "What was that all about?" My first inclination was, of course, that someone was in some kind of trouble with regards to the computers. Then, as you all know, during third block (short schedule) at about 1:00-1:30-ish, an "emergency hold down" was called into action, so we were "held down" into our rooms. This thus helped confirm my earlier thoughts that something was going on. Then, of course at about 1:30 we were all gathered into the gymnasium and held there until 2:15 when the FFA week wrap-up activities (kiss the critters, hay bail toss, and some race thing) started. We also were then told that a bomb threat had been made, and thus explained what happened. Also, "Chapter 6" sang the national anthem, as well as sung later tonight for $15/student. Then, upon hearing rumor from other students, I have managed to find out that somebody printed off on a computer in the library or tech center something along the lines of: "There is a bobm in the school and it will go off at 2:15." Then Ted S. found the printout and of course alerted the school staff. And by the way, the seniors won the final competition, although no thanks to our consistent last-place dress-up results!
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