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News item #22; "New Changes to My Site" on 03/13/04:
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Today, I have added a number of changes to my site. First, I made an account preferences page where you can change your password, email address, and (in the future) other preferences. Also, on my main page, you will hear "You are hearing me talk" if you turn your speakers on. Also, to make this sound load faster, it is MP3 compressed, then converted to a wave format so it keeps the small load size, but the compatibility with older computers. In addition, I added a new poll, "What is your favorite day of the week?" Additionally, I fixed the counter so that it no longer increases every time you load the page, only the first time you load it. And finally, I added rotating page titles, look at the title to this page, it will change every time you load it. Many of the quotes come from Zero Wing, along with others I made up.
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