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Messages/News, items #39 to #30 of 122:
(Newest news) | (Newer news)
Virus Sender Caught/Found! 04/07/04, ~1045 bytes
Well, after some snooping, I found that every copy of the W32.Netsky.C virus came from an IP address of 63.246.90.XX, XX being different each time because, as you log in with dial-up, your IP address changes. So, then I checked my server logs, and found that the most recent virus IP corresponded to...(more)
April Fools Webpage Link 04/03/04, ~383 bytes
Click here to open the spoof error page that was up for part of April 1st, as well as most of April 2nd. And, for your information, Lindows is an "alternative" operating system. Also, note the clever misspellings of...(more)
LIVEWIRE IS BACK!!! 04/03/04, ~1067 bytes
A week ago, I checked on Mountain Dew's website, and found out that Livewire was coming back in April. So, today, while walking through ShopKo, I noticed a few bright orange...(more)
April Fool's Day Has Tight Grip on World Domination 04/02/04, ~485 bytes
Well, everyone is suffering from April Fool's Day, and the clenching grip it has on the earth. No one can escape and all are subject to torture, uncompensated labor, and strange error pages. Even the venerable Slashdot has fallen victim to the anti...(more)
Soon to Come?? 03/31/04, ~315 bytes
Soon, maybe, I'll add a user preference for the color scheme/layout on my website. Also, I'll probably add a links page with various links that I find interesting, useful, or just funny. And also, if you have any ideas of what I should add/change/etc., contact me!
Homework Helpline Completed 03/28/04, ~397 bytes
The Homework Helpline should be done and working now. To use it, log in, click on the link to the left, read through the questions, and answer any if you can, or ask your own. Theoretically, everyone will contribute answers as well as questions, and everyone wins. Well, en...(more)
Temporary, funny link 03/28/04, ~148 bytes
FortPolio is apparently a spoonerism.
FortPolio Time! 03/27/04, ~464 bytes
As I'm sure you are well aware of, the fortpolio (aka "portfolio") is due very soon, and to help in your impossible quest of finishing it on time, I'm offering the fortpolio forms on my website for download. Go to this folder and download any file you need, or dow...(more)
New Old Poll Viewing Feature 03/27/04, ~185 bytes
You now can view old polls, just click on the "results" link in the poll area on the left column, and click on the "Old Polls" link at the top of the page.
Annoying virus update 03/27/04, ~695 bytes
Well, I recently recieved an email from for some reason, and upon reading the message source, I discovered that it thought that I sent them the "WORM_NETSKY.C" virus. Well, if you know anyone who has an email address of "", PLEASE check if you have this...(more)
(Older news)
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Science Club | KHS Science Dept.
Maintained and copyright 2003-2007 by Chris Retlich, all rights reserved. Last updated on 08/28/19.