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News item #39; "Virus Sender Caught/Found!" on 04/07/04:
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Well, after some snooping, I found that every copy of the W32.Netsky.C virus came from an IP address of 63.246.90.XX, XX being different each time because, as you log in with dial-up, your IP address changes. So, then I checked my server logs, and found that the most recent virus IP corresponded to a dozen or so hits on my website, and snooping even further, I found that this person went to my suggest news page. So, I then checked my email for March 14th, and found one with the exact date and time as the page hit on the news suggestion page. So, after reading the email, I realized that it was, after all (and as I initially suspected), LEXIE who has been unintentionally sending me this virus/worm. Also, I updated my main page, so that every time someone with an IP address similar to the one above visits my main page, they'll recieve a brief message concerning this virus. Finally, I also noticed from the server logs that Lexie has "FunWebProducts" installed, which are, in my opinion, not fun at all.
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