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News item #37; "LIVEWIRE IS BACK!!!" on 04/03/04:
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A week ago, I checked on Mountain Dew's website, and found out that Livewire was coming back in April. So, today, while walking through ShopKo, I noticed a few bright orange boxes of soda, and immediately got excited. So, of course, I couln't resist buying a 24 pack, to add to my remaining stash of 24 or so cans from last year. My future plans are to compare the labeling and ingredients to see if anything has changed, or if it's the original formula.

And, as an unreleated side note, I just found that this site has been relisted in Google (for some reason this one wasn't in the results for a month or so), so now it is much easier to find my site (search for "chris retlich" with the quotes.) Also, as I found from their cache, they were the 74 "person" to visit my site, excluding when I visit.

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