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News item #24; "Human Behavior Experiment Hypothesis" on 03/22/04:
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Finally, after much pestering by numerous friends, I am releasing my Human Behavior experiment hypothesis. My experiment involved me sitting and having my subjects draw a square, triangle, rectangle, circle, house and something of their choice on a piece of paper. They had the choice to draw with an unpainted pencil, a cow-patterned pencil, a mechanical pencil and a red pen. Afterwards I would show 2,4, or 7 pictures to them, 2 seconds each, and after each picture ask them "How much would you trust this person (1-10)? Was this person male or female? What feature of this [person's] face stuck out the most? Would you like to meet this person?", and, "Did this person seem friendly, unfriendly or somewhere in between?"

Finally...the answer everyone's been waiting for: my hypothesis was: "If I show pictures of people's faces to my subjects, I will notice that they will most often notice the mouth and eyes, and this will vary by gender and grade level." My hypothesis proved to be partially true. The forehead/hair turned out to be the most noticed feature, followed by the mouth, eyes, and finally nose. Nobody mentioned the ears. The data is available in the following files: HBcharts.pdf and HBdata.pdf, or just browse the News_files folder.

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