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Messages/News, items #69 to #60 of 122:
(Newest news) | (Newer news)
200th Visitor (again) 10/27/04, ~295 bytes
Today, Becky became the (real) 200th visitor to my website since I added the counter. Congratulations, you've won the prize of having your name in this news item! Anyways, you can see a little info about the previous 200th visitor in news item #67
New Changes to Come... 10/18/04, ~1156 bytes
In the next month or so, I will be making some behind-the-scenes changes to my website. Plans include changing the user system to make it more flexible, and more uniform between different parts of my website. I also plan to make a more centralized news and comment-posting system, instead of each p...(more)
200th Visitor! 10/13/04, ~364 bytes
It appears that Moose was the 200th visitor (since February 18th). But after checking the visitor history, 18 of the last 25 visitors were also Moose. Because many of his repeated visits counted as separate hits, I'm going to go back, and remove the redundant visits from the history, and adjust th...(more)
New Patriotic Colors! 10/11/04, ~468 bytes
In preparation for the upcoming elections, I've changed the default color scheme to be red, white, and blue (instead of red, green, and blue). You should be seeing the colors now, unless you are logged in. The "default" account color preference still shows the old red, green, and blue scheme. I a...(more)
Happy Birthday to Me! 09/30/04, ~431 bytes
Today is my birthday. I am now 19 years old. I'll probably add some special birthday graphic on here tonight, or perhaps sometime this morning if I am able to. And make sure you check my webjournal periodically as many different things show up there that don't here...(more)
Politics and Contests Pages Added 09/27/04, ~469 bytes
I have just added the politics and contests pages to my website. The politics page is for you to chat with other people, and to express your political opinions. Read what others have to say, and add your own ideas to the mix. The contests page...(more)
View Old Newsletters! 09/17/04, ~251 bytes
You can now view old newsletters. It took a while, but I copied all the newsletters to my website from my email archives, and also adjusted their dates to the right ones, and not to September 14ish.
New Search Engine (Preview) for my Website 09/16/04, ~691 bytes
A new search engine is going to appear on my website within about the next week or so. Try the search engine preview, just type in a simple one-word query and then click the search button. Some hints to remember: Don't use plural words: i.e. "test" will return more results than "tests"...(more)
New: Personal Webjournals! 09/01/04, ~364 bytes
You can now add entries to your own webjournal. Login, then go to the webjournal page, and click the "add entry" link. Follow the instructions, and voilá, you have a journal entry! Tell everyone about your webjournal, etc. There is some more info in...(more)
Picture Gallery now Available 08/28/04, ~247 bytes
I've finally opened up the photo/picture gallery to everyone. You can see a little more information in journal entry #3. There are 184 pictures so far...
(Older news)
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Science Club | KHS Science Dept.
Maintained and copyright 2003-2007 by Chris Retlich, all rights reserved. Last updated on 08/28/19.