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Messages/News, items #79 to #70 of 122:
(Newest news) | (Newer news)
Fortpolio 12/30/04, ~669 bytes
The KHS portfolio "aka fortpolio" deadlines are nearing for current Seniors. As my way of helping those unfortunate souls doomed to finish a portfolio for graduation, I am providing all of the portfolio forms on my website. The easiest way to download them is to...(more)
New Search Functionality 12/30/04, ~1035 bytes
The sitewide search engine has just been slightly improved. The search engine now includes a keyword search. Many "common" keywords will be found within your query and will provide a link at the top of the results page indicating the match. Only one keyword match can be r...(more)
New Color Scheme: Winter 12/27/04, ~658 bytes
I have just finished adding the new color style titled "Winter." It features blue-white backgrounds, black text, and blue links. It has a kind of Eastery look to it, but still retains its wintery-ness. If you would rather use a Christmas style, please login and go to the accoun...(more)
Re-Listed in Google 12/23/04, ~761 bytes
27 pages on this website have been indexed (added to) Google within the last few days! Most of them are news items, and the search news history pages (such as this one). Also, for some odd reason, the log-out page has higher priority (apparently) than something li...(more)
Webjournal List Page Created 12/15/04, ~503 bytes
After prompting by Moose, I have created the Webjournal List page. It lists all webjournals, but only if its author wants me to include theirs in the list. If you want your webjournal added to the list, tell me. A more definitive list of...(more)
Calendar "Done" 12/13/04, ~636 bytes
I have more-or-less finished the long-anticipated Calendar page. Now you can click on any date within 2 or so months of the current date, and add an event. Currently I just added some filler events; Christmas, New Year's eve, etc. If there is something coming up, and yo...(more)
Fall Colors Added 11/30/04, ~453 bytes
Finally, after fall is over, and the elections (though controversial. The reason behind the previous "Patriotic" theme) are over, I have finally updated my CSS thingie so we now have Fall colors! My website now sports the following color arrangement: a lovely orange background, a red sidebar, a ye...(more)
Newish Pages, Poll 11/27/04, ~615 bytes
Regulars to my webjournal should already know that I am (slowly) working on a calendar page, and a movie review page. The calendar is coming along pretty well, and is waiting for the completion of the new user/news/dat...(more)
Nathan has a Website 11/13/04, ~310 bytes
I found out today that Nathan H. now has a website. I also added a link to it in the menubar on the left. Or if you are lazy, there is a link here. Oh wait, it's here: Nathan's website.
2004 Election Stolen? 11/10/04, ~1119 bytes
There seems to be a lot of evidence that the voting has been tampered with in Ohio and/or Florida. For example, one county in Florida has 69.3% of the registered voters marked as Democrats, but only 28% of the people in that county voted for Kerry. Also, there are a number of examples of lost/extr...(more)
(Older news)
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Science Club | KHS Science Dept.
Maintained and copyright 2003-2007 by Chris Retlich, all rights reserved. Last updated on 08/28/19.