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News item #70; "2004 Election Stolen?" on 11/10/04:
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There seems to be a lot of evidence that the voting has been tampered with in Ohio and/or Florida. For example, one county in Florida has 69.3% of the registered voters marked as Democrats, but only 28% of the people in that county voted for Kerry. Also, there are a number of examples of lost/extra votes (for example, Franklin county Ohio had ~4000 votes tallied for Bush when only ~360 people voted.) I am accumulating links and stories below:

Webpages to check into:
Slashdot story concerning many of these events, and lots of user comments too.
Daily Kos, a comparison between 2000 and 2004.
Democratic Underground, an impossible late-night/morning change in exit-poll data?
Common Dreams, more information about the oddities in Florida.

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