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Messages/News, items #59 to #50 of 122:
(Newest news) | (Newer news)
New Comment Posting on News Items Feature 08/28/04, ~352 bytes
You can now post messages, comments, opinions, etc. on news items. It is a simple textarea where you can type what you want, and click the submit button. Then your comment will be instantly added to the page. It only is available for the 5 newest news items, and you must be logged in to comment....(more)
Mountain Dew Pitch Black! 08/26/04, ~288 bytes
Today I saw and bought a 12-Pack of Mountain Dew Pitch Black. It is MD with a "Black Grape" flavor, and is a "limited edition" beverage. It taste pretty good, kindof like grape soda, but a bit different. If I were to rate it, I'd give it a 7.14159 out of 10.
Homework Helpline Re-opened, and Homework Reminder Completed 08/23/04, ~538 bytes
I have just finished the Homework Reminder, a webpage that allows you to add assignments, and then check back to remember to do them, and then delete the assignments when they are done. And of course, as the title states, the Homework Helpline...(more)
Spanish Club Website Done 08/22/04, ~84 bytes
See the Spanish Club Website!
View User Page Created! 08/22/04, ~574 bytes
Today I slaved away to give you the view user page. This page lets you enter a username, then view some basic information avbout the account, as well as send an email to the user (if they set up their account with a vaild email address). For example, you can...(more)
New Web-Journal page! 08/09/04, ~140 bytes
I now have a journal/blog (web log) on my website. Expect to see frequent entries soon!
Have a Domain (Website) Name Idea? 08/04/04, ~674 bytes
I am planning on buying a TLD sometime this Summer/Fall. It would be cheapest to buy a .us domain, but I'd have no problem with a .com, or other TLD type. If you have any ideas, check them (visit the proposed website, or try 1and1 Internet's domain...(more)
Make Your Computer Safer, in 6 Easy Steps 07/18/04, ~248 bytes
Please visit my Make Your Computer Safer, in 6 Easy Steps webpage. Also make sure you tell all of your friends about it so that they can also make their computers safe from attack.
Website Down...AGAIN! 07/15/04, ~583 bytes
For some odd reason, my website was down AGAIN yesterday (the 14th) for most if not all of the day. All that showed up for any page was "Not yet available - try again later." NOOOOOOOOOOOoooooooooooooo! On another completely unrelated note, I w...(more)
Updates, books, and AP tests 07/08/04, ~1415 bytes
The last few days I have been working extra hard to finish the chatrooms, and they are coming along nicely. The core of the work is nearly done, and I just have some tweaking and finalizing to finish. Currently only two rooms exist, the welcome room, and the "private invite" room. If you have any...(more)
(Older news)
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Science Club | KHS Science Dept.
Maintained and copyright 2003-2007 by Chris Retlich, all rights reserved. Last updated on 08/28/19.