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News item #50; "Updates, books, and AP tests" on 07/08/04:
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The last few days I have been working extra hard to finish the chatrooms, and they are coming along nicely. The core of the work is nearly done, and I just have some tweaking and finalizing to finish. Currently only two rooms exist, the welcome room, and the "private invite" room. If you have any topical room ideas, send them to me.

Also, I have recently purchased the Ultimate Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy five book trilogy. It is a 816 page monstrosity containing: "H2G2", "The Restaurant at the End of the Universe", "Life, The Universe and Everything", "So Long, and Thanks for All the Fish", "Mostly Harmless", and "Young Zaphod Plays it Safe".

Additionally, I have recieved my AP test scores. I got a 4 (out of 5) on AP Calculus AB (the easier of the two Calc. tests), and a 5 (out of 5) on the AP Computer Science A test (the easier of the two CS tests). If you have recently recieved any good test scores and would like to brag about them, contact me using the link above.

And finally, this is the 50th news item, so I'm half way to the amazing feat of 100 news items. And I have just added the 25 random page title. Wow, so many multiples of 25, but one is are 75 whole numbers between 0 and 76, there!

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