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chris's journal entry #12; "Chris Botti" on 2004-09-25:
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Tonight I'm going to see/listen to the world-famous trumpeteer Chris Botti. He will be playing at Lakeland College at 7:30 PM. Tickets are $20.00 for non-students.

[edit: 9/27/04]
So, the music was really good. You can go to the above-linked websites, and hear some samples of his music. The concert was about two hours long, and very good. The songs were kindof jazzy/rock like, and had a good rythm to them. There was a keyboard player person who went nuts because he had 3 or 4 keyboards, and some goofy sound generator, there were two guitarists, one who also played a "stick" (guitar without the hollow base), and a drummer. Also, Chris autographed stuff after the concert, but I didn't have anything for him to sign. Overall, I'd give him about a 7 or so out of 10, unless you really like or really dislike jazz music.

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