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Messages/News, items #109 to #100 of 122:
(Newest news) | (Newer news)
Webserver Development 12/15/05, ~828 bytes
I have been working on my webserver today a bit, and it now supports many more MIME types, supports two methods of custom MIME types, fixes the "load the last file someone else received" bug, and allows a number of configuration options (wwwroot path, server port number, etc). This new versi...(more)
New Poll Formatting 12/05/05, ~468 bytes
I have just reformatted the way that poll results are formatted. The bar also is much wider now and is based on the percent vote (before it was x pixels wide, where x represents how many votes there were, which led to very small bars). Also, I plan to add a new poll sometime,...(more)
New Admin Page 12/03/05, ~873 bytes
I know this isn't the most exciting thing for normal users/visitors, but I am nearly finished with a new site admin page that is more flexible than the old one, has clearer logic flow, and will allow the Science Club admin to edit Science Club pages! It hasn't been double-checked for security yet,...(more)
Personal/User Pages 11/26/05, ~408 bytes
I have just finished implementing (after about a year of doing nothing on it) a user page system. Basically, every account is given one (possibly more in the future) page on my website. Currently there aren't any limits on what you can put on it, but that is likely to change. To view an example...(more)
Google Maps 11/22/05, ~401 bytes
I have just added a Google map page to my website... not sure what I'll do with it yet. Currently planning to add links/buttons that'll zoom on local points of interest. Perhaps I'll make some kind of game (like the Risk or Where in the World is Carmen Sandiego? ones o...(more)
Winter Theme 11/16/05, ~142 bytes
With the first fall of snow this fall/winter (or "finter") season, it is prime time to change to the winter theme on my website.
Web Server Development 11/08/05, ~611 bytes
I'm beginning making my own web server program! It currently can serve static html/text/gif/ico/etc. file types. It is rather stable, very small (156KB), but is lacking many features. I plan to add some kind of simple scripting support, more MIME-types, perhaps a way to execute programs (although...(more)
DynDNS Updater 10/25/05, ~792 bytes
I have begun work on making a DynDNS updater client. Currently, in version 0.5 Beta, it can construct the HTTP get query, and is almost ready to send the update to DynDNS's webserver. In case you are wondering what this all means, it basically can/will update a DynDNS account for you. DynDNS is a...(more)
RSS Feeds Added 10/19/05, ~827 bytes
I have just added two RSS feeds, one for my webjournal, and one for Science Club. I used to just have one for the site news, but felt that it was insufficient. If you are unaware of what RSS is, check out Wikipedia: RSS...(more)
New Tips 10/07/05, ~408 bytes
I have finally, after a long while, added two new computer tips "of the week". One was a suggestion by Arik to promote Firefox, and the other I came up with to help people who use Wikipedia or Wiktionary a lo...(more)
(Older news)
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Science Club | KHS Science Dept.
Maintained and copyright 2003-2007 by Chris Retlich, all rights reserved. Last updated on 08/28/19.