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News item #42; "Rube Goldberg, and Prom" on 05/02/04:
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As some of you might already know, Science Club participated in the annual Rube Goldberg Machine Competition. Our machine worked okay when we were being judged, but had 3 things go wrong on the two runs. When we were being taped (and not judged) nearly everything worked (go figure.) I will soon add more information and some pictures to the Science Club part of my website in the near future.

Also, as the headline suggests, Prom was last night. The theme was "A Night in Hollywood", and it was decorated very nicely. The DJ was good, although some of the music wasn't to my liking. The party at Abby's house was fun, and the food was great and plentyful. Thanks Abby's parents for all of the hard work you did making the delicious food, and tasty punch. Also, I'll soon be adding some of the pictures from Prom onto my site, probably in some kind of image gallery type thingie, or else they'll be put in the "pub" or "news_files" folders.

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