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News item #13; "Minor Bug Fixes, etc." on 02/19/04:
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Well, I have fixed a number of bugs and errors within the last week or so. The main page used to display "news, items #X to #X of X:" and the first two X's were supposed to be 9 apart, not ten. Also, the second X was erroneously assigned a # 10 less than the last X. Also fixed were many minor bugs.

I also have added a hit counter on my main page, although not very accurate, it should provide some insight into how often my main page is visited. This counter appears just below the Suggest news | Log in links below the news.

Additionally, I have just added a homework helpline, but have not yet made any code for it to do anything useful.

Also, I fixed the headers for most of my pages so that the layout looks correct and works on "alternative" browsers. The web-browsers that now work ok are the latest versions of:

Also, I want to explain the dating techinques on this website. The dates following a news item show the date that item was created or last changed. The date at the bottom of a page is when that page was last edited, that is the day that that file was last modified, NOT when I last added news.

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