Rube Goldberg!

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The Rube Goldberg competition is where different groups compete for design, etc. on a machine. The competition is named after Rube Goldberg, who drew cartoons making a simple task, such as opening a door, into a long and complicated machine.

This year's task (2001) is to make a machine that "picks an apple, washes it, and peels it." It has to have more than 20 steps.
FOR more information regarding the contest itself, please visit their site at

Recently, in a newspaper's comic section, a similar cartoon was made, see picture below...


Steps for Rube Goldberg Machine

  1. Person shakes tree.
  2. Pin holding apple in apple reservoir is pulled out, letting apple fall.
  3. Apple rolls down ramp, getting washed.
  4. Apple rolls into basket and hits plunger.
  5. Plunger hits razor blade.
  6. Razor blade cuts fishing line.
  7. Guillotine falls, cutting another fishing line holding basket down.
  8. Basket with apple rises and hits stick.
  9. Stick stops one end, tilting apple onto ramp.
  10. Apple rolls down ramp and gets rewashed.
  11. Apple falls down second ramp and falls into basket.
  12. Basket with razor blade cuts fishing line that holds basket down.
  13. Weight of applesauce jar pulls basket up.
  14. Apple hits pin, tipping apple onto next ramps.
  15. Apple rolls down ramp and hits backboard.
  16. Backboard releases apple weight.
  17. Apple weight falls, pushing apple onto prongs and tilts lever.
  18. Lever pulls string (pin), releasing bowling ball and releasing blade.
  19. Bowling ball slides down pipe, pulling string attached to handle.
  20. Handle turns peeling apple.


  1. Person shakes tree.
  2. Pin holding apple in apple reservoir is pulled out, letting apple fall.
  3. Apple rolls down ramp, getting washed.
  4. Apple rolls into basket and hits plunger.
  5. Plunger hits razor blade.
  6. Razor blade cuts fishing line.
  7. Basket with apple rises and hits stick.
  8. Stick stops one end, tilting apple onto ramp.
  9. Apple rolls down ramp and gets rewashed.
  10. Apple falls down second ramp and falls into basket.
  11. Basket with razor blade cuts fishing line that holds basket down.
  12. Guillotine falls, cutting another fishing line holding basket down.
  13. Weight of applesauce jar pulls basket up.
  14. Apple hits pin, tipping apple onto next ramps.
  15. Apple rolls down ramp and hits backboard.
  16. Backboard releases apple weight.
  17. Apple weight falls, pushing apple onto prongs and tilts lever.
  18. Lever pulls string (pin), releasing bowling ball and releasing blade.
  19. Bowling ball slides down pipe, pulling string attached to handle.
  20. Handle turns peeling apple.


This section removed


Rube Goldberg Project Log.

March 10th--
Our project is under construction... frames built, plans mostly made.

March 14th--
Meeting, project now has milk carton holding shelf, plus apple/water ramp ready for mounting. Apple re-washing basket made.

March 21st--
Meeting, project now has half-tube for apple washing mounted, and water drainage holes drilled, and upper half-tube hung for re-washing.

March 28th--
Not too much accomplished. New brace piece installed and fishing line/guillotine/plunger design employed.

